Monday, April 23, 2012

Dear Mama Kitula...

Dear Mama Kitula,

There are so many things I wish I could say to you.  I lack the vocabulary, the nuance of language to be able to express these things to you, but I hope you somehow know them anyway.

I would tell you how much I appreciate all you did for me – that by doing our dishes and washing our clothes and baking bread, you made life so much easier.  I did those things myself in the beginning, and I never took it for granted when you took some of those chores off my plate.  You gave me a home of order and cleanliness that was a refuge when life felt chaotic and beyond my control.

I would tell you your friendship is a great treasure to me, and I looked forward to seeing you each morning.  You were calm and steady and so encouraging, and I needed that so much.

I would tell you that I admire you so much – you are a beautiful, strong woman of character with an incredible heart for others.  You are generous, hard-working, smart, and respected by everyone around you.  You have every reason to be proud of the family you are raising and the kind, smart, multi-talented man you married.

I would tell you what a privilege and delight it was to visit your home for dinner—twice!  You told me it would be an honor for me to come, and you extended hospitality in abundance.  I never felt as welcome as I did in your home, and I was so excited to share that experience with my mom.  We shall recount the memories of that evening for many years to come.

I would tell you that I hope to see you again, and I pray for you every day.  I would tell you that I miss you more than I could ever express in any language.

Asante sana, rafiki yangu.


Saturday, April 21, 2012

Ester Update!

Back in January, we all met Ester. 

Since those early days, our little star has brightened and flourished in the loving care of her new family.  While in Kitongo, I recorded some of Ester’s big moments.  There were so many things to rejoice over.  Here are a few…

January 16, 2012 – Ester arrives!  This sweet girl is very uncertain about the world; she is silently taking in everything around her.

January 17, 2012 – Already, Ester’s feisty streak is emerging.  She instigated a jump rope tug-of-war with Sethi today.  Ester has been outfitted with a darling new red ensemble, which Rachel picked out, thoughtfully selecting a matching headscarf.  Here is my first photo of Ester, taken with her biological sister, Neema.

January 18, 2012 – We heard Ester’s voice for the first time.  She giggled and then screamed when tickled with feathery plants.  Ester made us all laugh when took the plants from her sister and tickled back.  She also began waving at people today by flapping her arm.

January 20, 2012—Ester is absolutely beloved by everyone on campus.  One of our matrons has renamed herself “Mama Ester.”  It seems Ester has about eight mamas and forty attentive sisters.  The young girls are particularly fond of Ester, as they finally have the chance to be “big sisters.” There is no shortage of helpers whenever Ester needs a bath, walk, snack, hug, backrub, smile, or entertainment.

January 22, 2012—Ester’s fourth birthday!  We had a cake with candles after lunch in the dining hall.  It took a lot of convincing, but Ester finally tried the cake…and enjoyed it.  (Not that we’ve ever known her to turn down food—yet another reason I love this girl.)  While we usually don’t celebrate individual birthdays, everyone was more than happy to make a special exception for our little one.

January 29, 2012 – After weighing Ester, we discovered she has gained yet another kilo!  (She gained one kilo in her first two days with us.)  Sister Rachel danced and clapped with joy over the wonderful news.  In fact, it is Rachel’s fantastic cooking that we have to thank for Ester’s growth.

February 4, 2012 – Ester’s hair is curling!  We know she is getting good nutrition for this change to occur. 

February 23, 2012—Ester went to downtown Kitongo for the first time.  She visited the home of two teachers, Mr. Mawe and Mr. Zachariah and was all smiles on the way home from her big adventure.

March 7, 2012—Ester is gaining muscle tone in her arms.  Yesterday, she walked with Mama Maggie from the dining hall to school only holding one hand.  She gets tired and has to rest, but she is really walking! 

March 10, 2012—Ester climbed a mountain!  Well, she made it with some assistance from Julia, Mama Mage and Mama Anna (aka: Mama Ester), who all took turns carrying her.  Please note Ester's amazing red gladiator sandals below.

March 14, 2012—Ester stood unassisted for over two minutes today!  She also walked a long distance with Salome, during which she pointed at the cows and tried to talk.

March 22, 2012—Though Ester is beloved by all, though no one loves her more than Sister Jackie.  Jackie held her for hours in those early days and now pushes Ester on to each new milestone, knowing our girl is capable.  Some days, Ester comes to the office and helps Jackie balance the books.

March 28, 2012—Ester has found her voice!  Her vocabulary includes mama, dada (sister), tatu (three) and "may-ma", her name for older sister, Neema.

April 1, 2012—Ester’s first spa day.  The girls selected bright blue for her tiny fingernails and completed the look with a neon pink pedicure.

***      ***      ***      ***      ***     

I’m so honored I got to be a part of Ester’s early days in her new home. 
There are so many big moments to come.  One day, Ester will run and play and chase her sisters around campus.  She’ll go to school and learn to read and solve math problems and complain about homework assignments.  Ester will speak to us in at least two languages, and we’ll get to hear what she’s thinking.  She’ll play pranks and laugh with that characteristic sparkle in her eye.  Someday, Ester won’t be the only girl sitting in church—she’ll be in the front of the choir, singing and dancing with her sisters.  She will grow up and have a world of possibilities ahead of her.

Ester will have an amazing life.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Home Again

For half a lifetime, I’ve dreamed of living in East Africa. For the past six months, I had the incredible privilege of living out that dream. I met some of the most fantastic people, I had more adventures than I could have ever imagined, and I learned a great deal every day.

I left Tanzania with one fewer suitcase than I brought, myriad happy memories, and a resolute desire to return someday.

There are many more stories to tell. I’ll continue to share those memories as I also write about new experiences back here in the States. Stay tuned…

A Very Blog-y Birthday

I definitely remember meeting Brandon Charles Lake; it was the day before my freshman year of college at a luau-themed social in Chumash Auditorium. There were plastic inflatable palm trees, a hula performance, and a crazy guy with a ponytail who gave us all a ride to church in a blue minivan. That’d be him.

We’ve had many adventures together since then…an epic impromptu trip to Disneyland, spring break ski trips, hikes galore, countless pranks—I’m still so so sorry about the duct tape incident, dancing at our friends’ weddings, NOT going to the Texas State Fair, touring Hamburg by boat, and so on.

Our friendship has survived ten years, three international moves, a combined total of eleven cities, and many Scrabble games—which I have yet to win.

It was Brandon who encouraged me to start writing about my experiences. When I didn’t think anyone would read it, he said, “you don’t do it for other people. You do it for yourself.” And I’m so glad I did.

Happy birthday, Brandon! Thanks for making me start this whole blog thing. I owe you one…grilled cheese sandwich?