- Learn Swahili...like, for real.
- Eavesdrop on a conversation in Swahili when people don’t know I speak it, then reply with an awesome comeback
- Memorize all the regions of Tanzania and generally become not an idiot about the country’s geography
- Read up on Tanzanian history
- Proudly sing all the words to the Tanzanian National Anthem at morning assembly
- Take a foot picture on the “heart rock” (check!)
- Eat at Hotel Tilapia (check!)
- Learn to dance, Africa-style
- Learn how to plait the girls’ hair
- Let the girls plait my hair
- Experience Christmas in Tanzania
- Hike Kilimanjaro
- Learn to cook several Tanzanian dishes: pilau, kisamvu, mandazi, chapatti, beans, ---
- Know the name of every student at Joseph and Mary Primary Academy
- Walk to the fish pond
- Turn right at the main road (check!)
- Swim in Lake Victoria (check!)
- Walk to Kitongo and buy something without a Swahili-speaking chaperone (check!)
- Buy my own produce in Mwanza’s huge market while bargaining in Swahili (check!)
- Take a piki-piki to a dala-dala to another dala-dala to Mwanza
- Wander the streets of Mwanza by myself without the anxiety of having a driver wait for me
- Marvel at the Serengeti’s magnificence (check!)
- Eat in a random café with plastic chairs (check!)
- Soak up the sun on the beaches of Zanzibar
- Do one special thing for/with each of our girls
- Paint my bedroom sky blue
- Coordinate a half marathon and train the girls for it
- Teach the girls sign language to accompany the lyrics to various songs
- Perform a song, with dance choreography, on Sunday night for the girls (check!)
- Be part of a flash mob with the girls—future guests, beware!
- Beat Liku on a run (well, I can dream, anyway…)
- Be invited to someone’s home for dinner and actually go (check!)
- Same as 32, but with a local family
- Introduce Thanksgiving to my Tanzanian family
- Master those terrible “Lucky” matches so that lighting the gas stove and oven is not an overwhelming object lesson in failure, daily (check!)
- Teach the girls origami
- Open a nail salon for the day (check!)
Periodic updates to follow...stay tuned!
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