We are lucky to receive lots of visitors at JBFC, and each one brings something special they share with us.
Megan and Tracy showered a lot of love on our girls in the eight days they spent with us in December. Tracy mastered the foot-powered sewing maching and hemmed massive tablecloths for our future restaurant.
Megan shared her gift for volleyball with our girls, and it was a huge hit!
In fact, some anonymous girls say they even like volleyball MORE than football. (Near blasphemy!) Megan and Tracy left us with twenty volleyballs so we can continue enjoying the sport, and the girls love playing after school and on weekends. The Maasai and our teachers also join in sometimes.
Kabir, who has steadily supported JBFC for several years, came for a brief but fun visit this month, leaving behind a slew of toothbrushes and plans to return again this summer. We look forward to continued visits from our favorite resident of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
The Watts family spent two weeks at JBFC in January after climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro. They varnished desks, cleaned classrooms, planted rice, and taught workshops on conflict resolution for our older students. They also left behind a special project. When Steve, Christina, and Bob presented their gift to Veneranda, she was all smiles!
This chair (or “Vene’s Throne” as I like to call it) fits securely on top of the benches in our dining hall, which in the past were simultaneously too tall and too short for her. An accompanying stool makes it easy for Veneranda to step up to reach her bench.
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