Monday, May 28, 2012

You know you live in Africa...

You know you live in Africa...

1.       Even in English, you “welcome” people to everything—the Swahili translation of “karibu.”

2.      You get your Christmas stocking in February, even though your mom mailed it in early November.

3.      You gawk at white people in town, though you refrain from shouting “mzungu!” as it is hardly polite.

4.      The sound of unaccented (see: American) English is like a big hug from home.

5.      Your mantra is “low expectations, positive attitudes!”

6.      Donkeys eating dogfood on your neighbor’s front porch doesn’t even strike you as odd.

7.      You see the invisible “middle lane” of the two lane freeway that is used for passing—sometimes with a narrow margin of error toward oncoming traffic.

8.      When watching an American film, you worry about the people in the movie falling asleep without mosquito nets.

9.      You never accept the first price quoted, and you still pay far too much for your produce.

10.  You give yourself haircuts...sometimes in the dark by the light of a headlamp.

11.  When a group of guys are bored on a Friday night, one suggests, “let’s go crocodile hunting.”  And then...they do!

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