Thursday, June 28, 2012

Musings from the Road...Continued

Driving from Fort Worth to Bismarck, ND and back in four days was quite an undertaking.  There were a few things that stand out, looking back:

Herreid, South Dakota.

We enter a gas station that also serves as the local pizza restaurant for the community.  I must lead a sheltered life, because I have never before seen a convenience store that carries an entire half aisle (of the five total in the store) of assorted ammunition.  There were bullets for quail, for deer, for any number of God’s little creatures.  As we selected some purchases NOT on that aisle—because the seventeen signs posted around the store made it clear bathroom privileges were reserved for serious customers only—we observed a true small-town encounter: guy walks in, grabs some candy, shows it to the gal at the counter and then just walks out.  The gas station has a tab for all the locals!  I suppose when you have only 357 people in your town (down from 600 in the last census because “we died” as a young girl in the store told us), you can do such things. 

Draper, South Dakota
In our quest for some good grub along the road, Melanie saw a sign for “The Busted Nut Bar Grill and Garage.”  It was a unanimous decision to try our luck here.  Over the next twenty minutes, we became friends with a waiter named “Bill or George…anything but Sue!” whose real name, I believe, is Jane.  We took on alter-egos for the evening—Melanie was renamed “Princess” and I became “Sally.”  When a local at the bar, Verne, suggested Sally wouldn’t be able to finish her meal—he clearrrrrrrrrrrrly did not know whom he was dealing with—people began making bets, and suddenly there was $6 on the line.  Obviously, I finished.  With great show-womanship, I might add.  I must have done a little too good a job of charming Verne, because his only commentary at the end was, “she’s my kinda woman!  She can EAT!”  I collected my prize money and posed for a few victory shots while we were presented with a box of free (and delicious) cupcakes for being so entertaining.  South Dakota, for the win!

The guy who put up $1, Julia: The Clean Plate Award Winner, and Verne (left to right)

Mount Rushmore
Finally getting to see Mount Rushmore was a wonderful experience.  What made our visit even more profound was viewing it among so many pilgrims— bikers with American flag bandanas, Mennonite girls whose glittery flip flops peeked out from the hem of their conservative dresses, and families who piled out of RVs wearing t-shirts from other stops along their summer vacation.

The Road Home
We belted songs from “Thoroughly Modern Mille” and “Hairspray” and “The Last Five Years” (if you don’t know this musical, you need to stop reading this immediately, go download it and listen to it a few hundred times until you have not only memorized every lyric but analyzed and re-analyzed every word in this masterpiece…then come back and continue reading) all the way home until we were hoarse.

Of course, “Wicked” was in there in healthy doses, too.  And when we returned to Texas at the end of our crazy road trip, Chelsea timed it perfectly so the epic key change/cymbal crash from “Defying Gravity” happened at the exact moment we crossed the state line back into Lone Star territory. 


And that’s how four girls drive 2,750 miles in four days to see four faces carved in the side of a mountain.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Photo Shoots Across America

The Texas/Oklahoma/Kansas/Nebraska/South Dakota/North Dakota/Iowa portion of the “I Heart America Reunion Tour 2012” was full of adventure.

We braked for a doe, a skunk, suicidal roadrunners, and a turkey.

We passed billboards like:

“Come ride with McNasty in 1880 Town.”

“Elvis eats at Punkin’s Catfish & BBQ.  Exit 72.  He won’t leave the building!”

“Convenience store.  Free shower with $50 purchase.”

“See Norman!”  “See Purcell!” signs, listing all the notable sights and attractions in each Oklahoma city.

In addition to…

And our favorite…

We listened to Chelsea’s mix cds, fourteen in all, containing 16.9 hours of music, organized by song length—shortest to longest.  Chelsea has a particular gift for creating mix cds, assembling the perfect blend of musical theatre, Adele, Michael Buble, Rascal Flatts, and other miscellaneous favorites.  And only Chelsea would have a song from Veggie Tales following “Take Me or Leave Me” from Rent.  I love it.

We remarked upon ANY hill while driving through South Dakota…because there simply were no hills.

We made the difficult choice between the only two restaurants in Faith, SD for dinner: Chances R Steakhouse and a drive-in burger joint owned by the mother of Chances R’s chef.

We spent a little time with some important men from the past:

We marveled at the commitment, bravery and artistry of all those involved in creating Mount Rushmore.

We also did a little photo shoot…

…while a fellow tourist joked, “You girls can’t put those photos in Playboy.  This is a site of National Heritage!”

We cheered as Chelsea’s car hit 100,000 miles on the way from Mount Rushmore to the Crazy Horse Memorial.  

We stood before North Dakota’s capitol building, the tallest in the state at 18 stories tall.

We watched a documentary, admired the murals, chatted with a clown, and sampled popcorn balls at the Corn Palace!

We laughed…talked and sang until we were hoarse…and saw 2750 miles of our great nation while the landscapes passed by our windows and slipped off into the distance.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The "I Heart America" Reunion Tour

I am a list-maker…to-do lists, packing lists, shopping lists…and “bucket” lists, my favorite list of all.  One item on THE LIFE BUCKET LIST (as opposed to other, more specified bucket lists—there is a hierarchy) is to see all 50 states.  As of this spring, I had only 17 states left to accomplish this goal. Between an adventurous family who enjoys a good drive and a career that has allowed me to travel, I’ve seen beautiful places across our country.  

Obviously, the only logical thing to do was to list all remaining "to be seen" states by region and plan road trips to check as many off as possible this summer.  I did, on the back of a crumpled article while flying home from Tanzania.

And so the “I Heart America” Reunion Tour 2012 was born.

I enlisted the help of five extra-special women to accompany me on these mad dashes across our great nation: (in alphabetical order) Alee, Chelsea, Jennifer, Melanie, and Stephanie. 

Chelsea, Jennifer, and Melanie are friends I met in my first few months in Fort Worth.  Since then, we have walked alongside one another as we navigate career moves, relationships, health scares, and late night Sonic runs.  Driving to Bismarck and back in four days seemed like an excellent way to catch up on the past year since we had all been together.

4 days
2750 miles
7 states*
14 mix cds with 16.9 hours of music
4 women, “75% single”
$273 total^

*Texas, Oklahoma, and Iowa, plus new states for Julia: Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, and North Dakota.
^Includes 3 meals a day plus miscellaneous ice cream sundaes in Nebraska/popcorn balls at the Corn Palace/chocolate truffle sampling in Keystone, SD.  Also…hotels, gas, tolls, and entertainment/monuments.)

Let the adventure begin!