Friday, June 15, 2012

Photo Shoots Across America

The Texas/Oklahoma/Kansas/Nebraska/South Dakota/North Dakota/Iowa portion of the “I Heart America Reunion Tour 2012” was full of adventure.

We braked for a doe, a skunk, suicidal roadrunners, and a turkey.

We passed billboards like:

“Come ride with McNasty in 1880 Town.”

“Elvis eats at Punkin’s Catfish & BBQ.  Exit 72.  He won’t leave the building!”

“Convenience store.  Free shower with $50 purchase.”

“See Norman!”  “See Purcell!” signs, listing all the notable sights and attractions in each Oklahoma city.

In addition to…

And our favorite…

We listened to Chelsea’s mix cds, fourteen in all, containing 16.9 hours of music, organized by song length—shortest to longest.  Chelsea has a particular gift for creating mix cds, assembling the perfect blend of musical theatre, Adele, Michael Buble, Rascal Flatts, and other miscellaneous favorites.  And only Chelsea would have a song from Veggie Tales following “Take Me or Leave Me” from Rent.  I love it.

We remarked upon ANY hill while driving through South Dakota…because there simply were no hills.

We made the difficult choice between the only two restaurants in Faith, SD for dinner: Chances R Steakhouse and a drive-in burger joint owned by the mother of Chances R’s chef.

We spent a little time with some important men from the past:

We marveled at the commitment, bravery and artistry of all those involved in creating Mount Rushmore.

We also did a little photo shoot…

…while a fellow tourist joked, “You girls can’t put those photos in Playboy.  This is a site of National Heritage!”

We cheered as Chelsea’s car hit 100,000 miles on the way from Mount Rushmore to the Crazy Horse Memorial.  

We stood before North Dakota’s capitol building, the tallest in the state at 18 stories tall.

We watched a documentary, admired the murals, chatted with a clown, and sampled popcorn balls at the Corn Palace!

We laughed…talked and sang until we were hoarse…and saw 2750 miles of our great nation while the landscapes passed by our windows and slipped off into the distance.

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